April 21 #2: Walking from the city and gardening

Call off the search dogs! I’m alive!

I mentioned I’d write again after walking from the city, but that idea went out the exhaustion window. It took two hours to walk home (which was a nice surprise as I thought it would be longer) and when I arrived, Rene was finishing repairs on the ride-on lawnmower in preparation to do the garden. So yep, you guessed it, I dumped my backpack on the bench outside our house, and walked straight over to him to help. Thank goodness for leaf blowers and ride-on mowers! Three hours later, I flopped on the couch (after a shower of course!) and after another three hours, I was asleep on the couch. I stumbled up the ladder into bed.

Part of the plan to walk home was so I could stop at a new animal shelter to ask about volunteering. I’d seen a picture of it in a free local magazine so was keen to see if I could be put to good use. Searching in the forest where I thought it would be, I asked a woman with a very funky short grey crop hairdo, who was walking her dog, if she knew where it was. “It hasn’t been built yet,” she said. “Maybe next year.”

Serves me right for not being fluent in German! I’d completely misread the article and thought the place had opened already. What makes the story even more bizarre (aside from my silliness) is the woman who I spoke to, well, her husband is involved with trying to get the shelter built. How about that for a fluke? Of all the people to ask, Heidi was the best person possible. She was very knowledgeable about the whole procedure and said some residents across the river are against it being built, because they’re worried about the noise travelling. If all goes to plan, the shelter could be finished by the end of summer next year.

Anyway, here are the photos from yesterday’s walk:

And here’s the finished garden. My arms were shaking from using the leaf blower to clear all the leaves (the leaves! the leaves!) out of the garden beds and off the concrete areas. (Rene is a stickler for dead-leaf decimation. I follow his orders.) Then I jumped on the mower to finish with this:


Look at that freshly mown grass!


Look at that leaf-free garden!


Look at that ball-crazy dog called Boy!


Look at those flags in the wind (and look at the lovely grass too)!

  • Physically Fit: Two-hour walk from the city to home; using the leaf blower (damn heavy thing!)
  • Mentally Fit: Meeting Leonie for lunch, walking, beginning French crime show “Braquo”
  • Nutritionally Fit: Smoothies, salads and strawberries
  • Minimalism: Fail – could have used a broom instead of the leaf blower. I’d still be in the garden though …

Wishing you a wonderful day.

One thought on “April 21 #2: Walking from the city and gardening

  1. Love the photos – almost felt weary looking at them – such a walk and then all that gardening afterwards. I have spent the day at the computer doing stuff which I am not sure will go anywhere. I get paid but hard to keep enthusiastic about work that keeps going round in circles – the problem with getting back in to ongoing government projects! Today was my ‘lay day’ off the gym mid week although I have to say that I was feeling tired and stiff from sitting in almost the one position all day. I should have gone for a walk to stretch ‘dem old bones’ mid afternoon. I laughed about the animal shelter – a little early but well intentioned in your part. I have finished watching Montelbano – such a horrible last episode – I had imagined a nice ending somehow and was not prepared for poor Francesco. I am now looking for my next series but am currently having a reading spurt.


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