August 24: Productive and slow …

Is it possible to be productive at the same time as taking it slow? In the past, I’ve always worked at a fast pace, but lately, since slowing my life (so to speak), I’m more inclined towards a methodical plod. Today has been a great example of the possibilities of having space to breathe and time to think.


Water dripping from the gutter


Our Australian flagpole came down (again) in the big storm last Thursday (the night I flew to London). Luckily Leo got to it before it could do any damage


Free water!


My lovely little cherry tomato plant keeps giving! They’re so sweet – I seem to always pop one in my mouth as I walk past

Glorious and much-needed rain has kept me indoors today, but it feels like I’ve been working on things that need to be done. I’ve been asked to write four stories for a food magazine for chefs, called BISTRO, and today has been spent planning my questions and contacting people to interview.

I’ve never been a huge foodie – I love eating food but I don’t get excited about cooking at home. Eating out is a lovely thing to do, but more often than not it’s just to eat rather than to experience. We all need to have more experiences when it comes to eating!

In London, I did something very out of character (and out of budget!) by having lunch with a friend at the Oyster Bar in Harrods. Definitely a fun experience, and if we could have afforded it, I’m sure we would have eaten more food! Six oysters and three carafes of white wine do not maketh a filling lunch. A giggly lunch, yes, but not a filling one!

And yesterday’s outdoor event at our favourite restaurant in Wohlen bei Bern was an experience, if not just for the shots!

But I digress …

Taking time … to digress … 🙂

Sitting at my desk today has been very productive and helps curb that ‘out of control’ feeling when there’s a lot on my plate. (Pardon the unintended pun!) Slowly crossing things off ‘the list that never ends’ is calming and satisfying. Generally, I can be quite scattered when it comes to concentrating on one thing, and, in some ways, I’ve come to accept that. Doing small amounts of a few things helps with that overall sense of achievement. As the story deadlines get closer, I know I’ll focus harder, but today, preparing and planning has been a very relaxed affair.

That’s cool. Fingers crossed I can keep up this methodical plod without the deadlines causing stress!

Wishing you a wonderful day.

3 thoughts on “August 24: Productive and slow …

  1. Is it possible to be productive and slow? Yes! Yes! A health problem a few years ago forced me to go slow (I hated it – always at full pelt/all or nothing, me). I gradually got used to it and eventually got to really like it. Savour and enjoy! Congratulations on the writing commission.


    • Thank you Freda. I still can’t fight the feeling that nothing’s happening – well not as fast as I’d hoped! It all just seems a bit lackadaisical and airy fairy and … Yes, I’m finding it hard. Must. Learn. To. Savour! Your Kondoing has been the perfect example of productive and slow too.


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