January 1: Happy New Year walk around Wohlen

Claudia, Leo, myself and Dani on our walk around Wohlen

Claudia, Leo, myself and Dani on our walk around Wohlen

Happy New Year! Today is the first day of my attempt to get fitfor15in15.

Leo and I and our friends Claudia and Dani walked off the minimal excesses of the previous night with a walk around our neighbourhood. It was cold but sunny and a great way to spend an hour.

Claudia and I walked and talked together, probably slower than what could be classed as exercise, but we had a great time. The previous evening I had tossed up the idea of fitfor15in15 to her while taking another walk, and it’s slowly taking shape in my head.

Who knows what the year will bring? Hopefully a fitter and healthier me!

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