April 3: Minimalism, mindfulness and living intentionally

Judy mentioned the buzz word “mindfulness” in a comment on March 30 and it got me wondering, what exactly is it? Can we put a finger on what makes someone mindful? For me, mindfulness means being present in, and making the most of, the moment. It’s a huge part of being mentally fit. Adding just 10 minutes of meditation each day to my morning routine has helped me with awareness and honing my thoughts. It may not mean the to-do list gets done faster (or written for that matter!) but I do feel more centred and focussed when needed.

There are many great blogs and websites promoting mindfulness in its many forms and I tend to gravitate towards the ones about living, and being happy, with less. Recently I came across this great site www.paris-to-go.com from Ariana Schwarz. I think I binge-read almost everything within a few days.

Part of me would love to be as extreme as she is with her wardrobe, with about 40 items in total, but when I look at the clothes I have, I love them (thanks to Marie Kondo’s method of asking “Does it spark joy?”) and couldn’t imagine parting with so much.

But then I do a 180 again and think how liberating it would be to have everything I own fit into my backpack, and then I flip again and think of all the current variety which allows me to be a chameleon. And as much as I’d love to live with just a few pieces, I love being able to change my look.

Other great blogs and websites I enjoy – about being mindful of our environment, our resources, our consumption, our health, our finances – are listed below. This is in no way a definitive list – there must be so many more out there, but these are the ones I look at regularly.

Living intentionally/Minimalism:

The Tiny House Movement/Living Small:

Conscious consumerism:

Minimalist Fashion:

Travelling Light:

Financial goals:

These are all saved on my phone as my favourites, and wow, when I look at them all lined up like that, I now know where all my time goes every day! Ha! Not everyone posts regularly, so I should set up a system where I get an email when something new comes in, rather than checking on the sites all the time.

So there you have my reading list to do with minimalism, living with less so you appreciate more, living mindfully and trying to make as little impact as possible. I hope it leads you to new resources and ideas if you’re also on an intentional living journey.

Exercise today was 15 minutes on the step machine with the hand weights. I’d just had a shower and slathered myself in moisturiser (I know, all wrong!) and, boy, did I sweat! Leo was cooking tortilla too, so the heat from the kitchen added a few degrees to our warm little house and sweaty little me. It’s still horribly cool, windy and rainy outside.

Pastora and her husband Leandro (Leo and Leo in da house!) arrive soon for an afternoon and evening of painting hard boiled eggs, food, drinks and laughter. And all in German! Very much looking forward to that.

Wishing you a wonderful day. I hope you’re having fun with family and/or friends wherever you are.

9 thoughts on “April 3: Minimalism, mindfulness and living intentionally

  1. Ah, those lovely sites do take some time but the information is all so fascinating, isn’t it?! I discovered Paris-to-go a few months ago, after I’d actually stopped reading Bea Johnson’s Zero Waste site, but the subject matter is still interesting – and in fact, Bea was recently interviewed in Basle on SRF3 so I finally read her book, too…
    And those Scandivian shows?! OH dear, so compelling – have you seen Die Brücke?!

    Liked by 1 person

    • They’re overwhelming and inspiring all at the same time, aren’t they! I would love to be really, really good/strict about what comes into the house. That will be a process, but a worthwhile one! And yes, Die Brücke was one of the first series we watched when we hooked up Netflix. “One more? Just one more?” has become a popular saying in our house. They know how to suck you in! I’m a convert. We’re thinking about going to Sweden to change our perception of what a crime-riddled country it must be, with all those murders and so on!


  2. Thank you so much for the link! I’m looking forward to binge-reading your archives 🙂 I love Marie Kondo’s approach- and the concept of mental fitness is such a good way of looking at things. I’ll have to check out your recommended blogs!

    Liked by 1 person

    • You’re welcome Ariana. Your blog has so many inspiring ideas and is a total pleasure to read. It makes me want to downsize even more (and then I do that 180 degree turn again!) but hopefully I’ll find a happy medium. Thank you for putting all your thoughts down ‘on paper’ for our benefit too!


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